Find market-leading fire hose fittings, couplings, hydrant couplings and accessories to assemble (and maintain) an efficient firefighting system. Connect these hoses to either a fire engine or fire hydrant – or permanently integrate them into a building’s plumbing system. You’ll ensure airtight hose connections and reliable delivery of water.

Explore our selection of accessories and reduce the risk of fire damage. Whether you’re purchasing for emergency responders or for an industrial facility, our fire hoses and fittings meet industry standards and guarantee reliability in critical situations. Get the best components needed to handle fire emergencies effectively and professionally.

Fire Hoses (16)

Instantaneous Fire Hose Couplings (13)

Fire Hose Reels and Accessories (10)


What are the different types of fire hose fittings available? How do I choose the right one?

Fire hose couplings are available in a number of forms:

  • Instantaneous Couplings (Storz Couplings) are widely used in firefighting. They feature symmetrical halves that can be quickly and securely connected without the need for threading. Storz couplings are known for their efficiency and ease of use.
  • Threaded Couplings involve screwing one end of the hose onto the threaded outlet of another component such as a fire hydrant or a water source. Common thread standards include National Standard Thread and British Standards.
  • Camlock Couplings (also known as cam and groove couplings) are used for quick and secure hose connections. They consist of two parts - a male adaptor and a female coupler with levers that lock them together. Camlock couplings are versatile and commonly used in various industries including firefighting.

Fire hose fittings come in various types, there’s:

  • Adapters
  • Nozzles
  • Valves

Which one you need depends on your requirements - such as hose size, connection type and use. Adapters enable hose connections with different threads, while nozzles and valves control water flow and spray patterns. Understanding your equipment and applications will help you select the right fittings, but please get in touch with one of our friendly technical advisers if you need any help with this.

How do I properly maintain and inspect fire hose couplings to ensure they work effectively in emergencies?

Regularly maintain and inspect fire hose couplings. Look for signs of damage, wear or corrosion. Lubricate threads to ensure a smooth connection and prevent seizing. Follow manufacturer guidelines for maintenance intervals and carry out regular tests of the couplings to ensure they’re working properly.

Can I connect fire hoses from different manufacturers with fittings and couplings?

Whilst it’s unlikely you’ll encounter any compatibility issues by mixing brands, we advise using fittings and couplings from the same manufacturer where possible to reduce this risk. If you require a mix of brands, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines and carry out tests to check for a secure fit, alternatively pick up the phone and call our customer services team.

Still stuck?

Our technical advisers have years of experience working with fire hose fittings. If you need help choosing the right one, just give us a call or hop onto our live web chat - we’re more than happy to help.